Friday, February 22, 2008

February 22

6:30 a.m.
Vienna Boys' Choir - step aside! Imagine the voices of barefoot little boys of all ages, crowded into the room of an older boy, himself where they once were too, but now leading them in worship, singing with loud voices, "Allelulia! Allelulia! No more weeping on the other side!" These are the 'new boys', who used to live and beg on the street, just like the ones we met yesterday whose plea for you to buy their wares was, "I'm hungry". But these ones have met Jesus and, when you see their worshipping faces, the tears stream down my face. More scantily clad than we, crouched barefoot on their leader's one-room floor, warm and happy brown eyes, every morning at 7:00 sing and pray before they do their chores and head off to school. Does their neighbour wonder - the devout Hindu man who, every morning at 6:30, rises to pray? I heard the sounds of bells tinkling, sounding just like the local 'ice cream man' on his bicycle, but these bells are to call on his ancestors to whom he offers his prayers, to waken them so they can accept his daily sacrifices. Oh, that he could find Jesus, Who doesn't need to be awakened, Who is always there eagerly waiting for us to meet with Him!


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, lots of sunshine out here...but cold. Reality hits you when you step outside.
Thanks for keeping in helps us what and how to pray for you.-----Ingrid and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Hey Lewises! Ain't London grand! I was there once and have to go back. Just found your blog. So disappointed to hear you have a home bigger than just one room. I was really looking forward to the stories that would spawn!! Anyway, sounds like things are going well so far. Will be praying.
Cheryl j

Debbie Haughland Chan said...

I wonder if you have any way to record their singing to share with the rest of us. Good word pictures, by the way.