Sunday, March 16, 2008

Strange customs

I think we've all realized in our time here that Nepal has some interesting quirks to it... sure, there are the usual third-world country sights and customs, but as we found out this past week there's more to it. They have one week (just last week!) when they all fill up water balloons with either water or paint and throw them at people off the rooftops. Each day a different group of people is targetted (older men, young women, etc). But no matter what day, we had to be careful, because if they see tourists walking down below on the streets, it's a bonus. Vanessa got splattered on the leg and once on the arm, my dad got a little on the back, but hey, at least we made it through the week for the most part unscathed. This all seems like the most bizarre holiday/custom we've ever heard of, but yesterday I asked about it and had it explained (or partially explained; they don't speak English that well, so it was hard to follow). He (Suresh) said it related to some Hindu tradition about how the paint is symbolic and stuff, but he said the young kids don't really understand, so it's become a thing where they just throw water balloons at people for fun. An odd holiday, but hey, this is the new life! We have to get into the flow of things!
(posted by Sheri)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info' on "strange customs"..Sheri...It's good to know when it you walk about in old case you get hit by a baloon of paint. It's sunny out here...Spring in the air...and you see tulips,daffodils and lillies in all the guess right ...Easter is in a week...celebrating Christ's Resurrection .Do you celebrate Easter in Katmandu?.....miss you guys...take good care of yourselves

Ingrid and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys.....all cultures have quirks..good and bad customs... good and bad humour...lets keep the good and throw out the bad. Like Wimber use to say...the meat is in the street. I guess the salvation army would know what to do with the custom of baloon throwing.


Anonymous said...

Hello Bonnie!
I have been reading your blog for a bit now...fascinating stuff, to see how God knows and plans all things! Hope you're feeling better! Love, Heather

Anonymous said...

yes, i've heard of this holiday, i think in india it's called "holi". it's where everyone smears and throws paint and powder and generally acts silly, rascally and has fun. i'm going to look up the religious significance.

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear from you Sheri - I've enjoyed your sister's inputs as well. What a fun (but weird) holiday tradition.


Anonymous said...

People throwing balloons filled with paint at tourists from the rooftops? We should try that at the Fringe Festival! (I wonder if Jackson Pollack if did this?)

Jacob Blondahl said...

haha sounds like something from veggie tales! I don't think you could do that in Winnipeg, though. How would you know who the visitors were? Unless you asked Steve, I guess, to which he would reply we are all visitors, then kindly suggest we get off his land!