Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Daily Challenges

Life gets busy quickly around the compound. As I had mentioned before, we find ourselves at times being called away at a moments notice. We've all settled into a routine that for the most part is manageable. I'm sourcing material for my teaching module for the Mobile Vineyard Bible School. This alone is a challenge given the circumstance of frequent power outages. Add to the mix one computer for Bonnie and I to use plus internet that is slow and at times unreliable. Ahh....yes! Did I mention that our water has been out since last night. Toilet flushing is difficult and the washroom is getting that strong pungeant odour that you so often catch a whiff of on the streets. Add to this the noises inside our house at night. Our neighborhood rat? No! The cockroaches are now more active given the heat that's now come. They disappear at the slightest ray of light.
I was making coffee at 5:00 this morning (my usual time lately) and listening to the sound of scurrying above in our false ceiling. Roaches? It sounded much more heavy. Karina suddenly called out somewhat fearful. 'Dad, I think the rat's in the corner!' Taking a candle I investigated. Nothing. I told her it's probably the roaches. I've told the girls to start keeping their suitcases closed at all times. They seem to have taken our latest house guests' arrival with grace. I hope they remain so when they actually catch sight of them. They're quite big!
As for the rest of the day. Karina, Alana, Sheri and I are off to the wedding in Kote Gaun.(see previous posts of engagment in Kote Gaun.) Yes, we're taking the land cruiser up the same narrow mountain road. Hopefuly the brakes will hold! (Posted by Ken.)

1 comment:

nate said...

you guys, we are all reading your blog with great interest! I've probably typed "" on half a dozen computers of people of visited in the last couple weeks, getting them set up to read - i just did wally's new computer last night.

I am so proud of the way you are living out God's adventures there. But don't be wussy about the road to kotgaon - why don't you ask if you can go and the road to nessing, and then you'll have something to fear, eh!

love from n8 and family