Friday, March 14, 2008

Small Miracles

Bless little Vanessa (or 'Kansi' as she's called here in Kathmandu, meaning 'smallest one')! Praise God that He bends His ear to even the youngest children and answers their prayers. As you all know, Ken & I have been suffering congested lungs for over a week now and coughing all day long. We both bought ourselves masks, which helps. I know; you're wondering, "Why didn't you pray sooner?" Well, you know how it is: everyone is used to getting colds at different times of the year, especially in the winter. What, do you rebuke it every time? Well, my faith hasn't quite been exercised that strongly in that regard. So this cold was the same as any other, or so we thought. Then came the chills, sweats - everyone's experienced those. Still, we didn't pray. I know; I know; we're feeling rebuked. Anyway, Ken & I both felt like pneumonia was trying to set in. That's when we started taking it more seriously. So we drank chamomile/mint tea, ate garlic (you know our routine), took echinacea drops - the whole gamit. Nothing. We also figured we had the pollution beat since we bought our masks. Well, Bonnie, Sheri & Vanessa were out for a bite to eat when Bonnie felt she was going to pass out, so she headed out the door of the small little cafe. She soon collapsed on the ground. But there was faithful Vanessa, helping her up and immediately started praying. Little prayer warrior! She supported her all the way home. Well, as if Mom's ordeal weren't enough, Dad got into a coughing fit that night, too, to the point where he couldn't get a deep breath. He'd been up a few times the previous night not being able to breathe well. Wouldn't you know, Vanessa & Alana prayed for us, and we all rebuked this sickness, getting good and firm with that old enemy infirmity. And guess what? Ken immediately drew a deep breath! That night, Bonnie's cough let up and she didn't feel congested either. Ken was able to sleep well for the first time in awhile. Praise the Lord!


Anonymous said...

Vanessa, thanks for taking care of Mom (and Dad) like we prophesied over you to do.


Uncle Mitch

Anonymous said...

Just because you are in katmandu...does not mean to forget to pray for the way we did not know you had the flue...keep communicating your own we can effectively pray for you guys. Don't be too humbel...just a gentel rebuke...we still love you guys very much....maybe you all need a good rest and take a week off and go sight seing up the mtn with a guide to breath in some of the unpolluted air. :) thanks Vanessa for watching your Mom's back..keep watching her.

Aunt Ingrid

Anonymous said...

Bonnie!! As you tell me time and time again...don't forget to look after yourself first. Although there are many others who need you, you can't be any good to them if you are not well! Love to all and take care!

Your sis, Tammy

Debbie Haughland Chan said...

It's a good thing you weren't by yourself when you collapsed! Thank you Jesus! And NO! You had said nothing about your health before this post. I'm glad you and Ken are doing better now.