Sunday, March 2, 2008

More impressions

Anyone ever seen chickens on a soccer field? We have! No, they weren't involved in the game; they stayed far enough away from the action. But it was funny to see chickens happily clucking on the sidelines while the game was going on. Nobody else seemed to take note of them except us 'bedeshi' (foreigners).

Or a road-side funeral? At first, we weren't sure what was going on. We saw a crowd of people gathered around what looked like a pile of clothes on the ground at the side of the road. Then we realized it was a funeral service and respectfully continued on our way.

Or roof-top clotheslines? Everyone here (almost) hangs their clothes on their rooftops, over wires or sticks or lines strung from ledge to ledge. We go up the 4 flights of steps onto the roof, which is just a flat surface at the top of the building, after having scrubbed our clothes in the courtyard (by hand, of course) - that is, when there's lots of water in the tank. Then we drape our clothes over whatever wire or stick happens to be free (there are a few to choose from). And you look around at all the other roof-tops and see all the other 'clotheslines' - very handy use of a roof, I find - lots of sun up there!

Oh, and don't forget the chickens and dog that 'live' on the roof. Yes, it's great to have eggs available right on your own roof top! Mind you, they don't run free (no 'free-range' here!); they live in their own coop. Very handy use of a roof, I say! I was wondering, William & Nancy (if you're reading this) - how many eggs do chickens generally lay per day? These ones only lay one each per day. But apparently, chicks cost only 25 rupees (about 40 cents). Maybe we should buy a couple - have our own supply of eggs!


Debbie Haughland Chan said...

Chickens seem to be your theme today. First you're buying and cooking them, then you're playing soccer with them and then you're cooping them up and getting eggs for them. Hey! If you're going to buy chicks, you could raise some for dinner too, and not just the eggs! Then you'd KNOW they were fresh. And the girls could learn the joy of plucking.

nancy said...

Our chickens produced about one egg per day, with the occasional day off, depending on the bird. So I'd say your birds are pretty content and productive - must be having the rooster around!

I am only checking in about once a week - not quite enough to remember to pray for you guys as much as I mean to - but I am really enjoying reading your adventures and seeing the pictures. That's a lot of hills to get used to when you are used to walking in Winnipeg!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ken,Bonnie and family. Have been reading your posts and praying for your family.How are the girls.Keep up the good news.
Love Dean