Sunday, February 24, 2008

To answer your questions:
Bonnie has posted the blogs so far except where Ken has noted it. We are actually not having to go to an Internet cafe as Pastor Noel installed a computer in our compound so that, whenever (well, not quite whenever) the electricity is on, we try to post a blog. I don't know about any curfews; there probably aren't but no-one from this compound as far as I know goes out at night - certainly not any of us. In fact, by 8:30 or 9 we start getting ready for bed because it's all dark and there's really nothing to do in the dark except floss and brush by candlelight. I mean, it's kind of hard to even read a book by candlelight. Some evenings I do notice flashlights being used outside and I found out that the boys sometimes watch the TV if the electricity comes back on. We will light a candle in each room so we can see our way around from bathroom to bedroom. But since our days start earlier, with the sounds of worship being the wake-up call, we tend not to have late nights anyway. No, not all of us join in the devotions all the time. If we did, the room would be pretty crowded, as they meet in Suresh's sleeping room (the worship leader) and there are at least half a dozen 'new boys'. Yes, Suresh has started teaching us some Nepali songs and the girls are faithfully writing down his translations. His English is pretty good and he also knows several Vineyard worship songs so we can even sing along in English as they sing in Nepali. Karina tried to take her guitar along but was not permitted. There is another guitar here but she hasn't had much chance to play it - maybe in time. Yes, they are also teaching Suresh new songs. In fact, he plays his guitar and sings in the morning, evening, any other chance he gets, on Friday to practice for church, and on Saturday during the worship service. Yes, they have services here on Saturday morning from 10:30 till noon in the 'winter' and 10:00 till noon in the 'summer'. Well, I better head off to bed as the whole compound is now quiet and I was able to grab some time when the electricity came back on. We'll try to add some more pictures of the place where we live and the market area. - posted by Bonnie


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the writer of each entry. It helps. I'm loving all this. It's soo good to see you guys living out a dream.
Love and prayers

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your daily blog reports. I'm looking forward to hearing the girl's views as well.

Debbie Haughland Chan said...

I'm looking forward to more photos. I hope those candles are cheap. Seems to me you'll be using a lot of them while you're there. Are they safe to be left burning all night? Be careful! And I agree with Beryl. I want to hear what the girls have to say too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,

So glad to hear you are getting a handel on Napal lifestyle. We had -45C...with no electricity we would be dead in 24hrs. We love democracy,hopefully it will come to enterprise.Alle wollen besser Leben .How is Toiletpaper and Tissue Paper? Love to all of you--Ingrid and Mitch

Ellen said...

you are all wonderful! the dark nights must be hard- i remember how alana especially likes to play the piano late at night, but its great that you have so many chances for community worship! you sound so upbeat and optimistic, it is inspiring. im gonna send a prayer for you tonight.

Anonymous said...

good to hear all the news. it sounds like it's a bit rougher than when we were there as far as electricity, supplies, food prices.
so good to hear about the boys. i miss them so much. give them all hellos and "jaimasi" for me! Also to Sumi didi and Shem dai!