Friday, February 22, 2008

Sights, sounds - and smells

Sights, sounds - and smells of Kathmandu - the sight of vehicles zooming around each other, swerving around people and animals, the sight of fruit, vegetable and meat stalls lining the cobbled streets, of people with masks to cover their noses from the permeating pollution, and children doggedly pursuing you for a few rupees; the sounds of worship at 7:00 a.m., and bells tinkling to awaken dead spirits, of constant honking of horns as you walk the streets, of children playing in the courtyard in the dark at 7:00 in the evening when the electricity has gone off, of roosters crowing in the morning, street dogs barking and goats bleeting; and the smells in the evening of people burning their garbage. The last time we saw a garbage can, except for one single one at Bahrain airport, was in Canada - not one in London (for fear of bombs), nor in Kathmandu. So garbage is collected into little piles on the street for burning. Car fumes and burning garbage - the smells of Kathmandu.


Anonymous said...

Hey, guys! I've been following your progress so far - love the pictures!!! I had just made a comment about wishing there were pictures to go with your updates...voila! your next post has...PICTURES! Sherri, Karina & Alana look like they can't wipe the smiles off their faces. I'm impressed that you're able to update so regularly. Are you close to an Internet cafe? Who is making the updates? Any chance you can indicate who is doing each update (I'm being picky, I know!:))
Also, if you want to go out at night is there a curfew? do people use torches or flashlights if they go out? Do you join in the morning devotions you described 2 blogs earlier? are you learning songs in the local language? is Karina playing guitar much? was she able to take hers? are they learning some of your songs?
Love all the stuff you're sharing. Love, Prayers & Blessings,
Valerie & Kaz

Debbie Haughland Chan said...

I'd like to know who's writing each post too. This last one was very well written (not saying the others weren't, but this one's fresh in my mind since I just read it). You have certainly given a word picture to help us see what you're experiencing. It's nice to get these frequent updates. Much better than when you were in Austria, Bonnie. I hope you all can keep it up for the whole four months!