Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Nightly Disturbances

Well, we're not sure if it was just one of those nights - just a coincidence - or if the enemy was trying to knock us down. We had just had a great evening with the older boys, planning a Bible study with them over the next few months. They were enthusiastic and we had an exciting prayer time (in Nepali and English) after. They call us 'Mom' and 'Dad', and love to give Ken big hugs. They're busy teaching the younger boys but are hungry themselves, too. One boy - Milan - wants to go back to his village and start a church. He's young but has to use a crutch - the nicest young man, loves Jesus. You can pray for us teaching them.

Anyway, we finally fell into bed, after managing to kill the roach we found in the kitchen earlier, had just dropped off to sleep, when I heard Karina now getting sick in the bathroom. The previous day it had been Vanessa. I fell asleep again but kept being awakened by Ken continually brushing something out of his sleeping bag. I dropped off again, but then had a disturbing dream. I confronted this black dog, stared it in the face, and it lunged up at me with its fangs bared. Then I was jolted awake. Ken woke up and said he kept feeling insects crawling on his face and his arm. I told him my dream. Then we prayed, as we felt this was some kind of attack (or, like I said, just coincidence). You never know around here! Or should I say, more often than not, it IS black and white, not shades of grey like back home.

Oh yeah, we also hear what must be 'Templeton' running around on the roof. Maybe he's got his whole family now, too! It sure is quite a racket. The sounds and activities of the night!


Anonymous said...

I am going to copy and paste your dream to Patty, she was telling me about a dog dream, and the recurring impression, as I had with her telling I have with yours, the old school meaning of dog, a dog was an outsider.
Dude Joe

Anonymous said...

Jodi Labun would suggest a mosquito net for over you at night.
She said that when she was in nepal, that kept all the creepy crawlers away at night.
just a suggestion.
debra kelly