Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crochet classes and the gospel

Well, crochet classes have begun! Thank-you for praying for me (again) - so far so good; the Lord is helping! But what I thought were going to be classes for some of the church women to learn, so that they could make scarves/ponchos to sell, is not entirely the case. At least a couple of the women are Hindu. And here they had me sharing something from the Word at the beginning of each class, after starting with prayer. But apparently they look at these classes as opportunity for the gospel and invite their neighbours to join in. So here I am sharing from the Word to Hindu women! May God give me grace and humility and a generous dose of His love to shine through in the middle of crocheting so that these women would not only learn how to make scarves but learn about Him at the same time.

But another prayer request (see how much we need your prayers!): the women have asked me to teach from the Word at the next women's fellowship on March 18th. Not only am I not proficient in crocheting or knitting (but for my faithful/patient teacher) but I am not used to speaking or teaching in front of a group. Again He seems to want to use my inability and work through His power. Pray that He will give me the words He wishes to impart to these ladies. I have been reading the praise book you gave me, Hanna, in the mornings and have also been inspired by one of the books you sent over with me, Debbie - The Attributes of God by Tozer (until the pastor comes to pick them up - yes, I managed to contact him). And Ken also needs your prayers as he prepares lessons for their upcoming Saturday Bible School. Thank-you all so much for holding us in prayer!


Anonymous said...

That's great Bonnie that you're able to share the book with others. How wonderful that you are able to share a creative work as well as God's Word when you are teaching these classes. Thanks for giving us specific prayer requests. Love reading your blog entries. Love to you all, hanna

Debbie Haughland Chan said...

Bonnie, that's awesome that your crotchet classes have become something far more meaningful. Wow! Such little things, eh? And I'm glad you were able to make contact with my friend. You probably shouldn't do it on the blog so could I ask you to send me an e-mail about your meeting, when it finally happens? I'd be so ever grateful. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you silly bedishi! You've been soaked in the Spirit for twenty years. You're sharing with a group of women, not addressing the U.N. Just share from your heart as the Lord leads and you'll be fine.

The word "freedom" and a sense of warm, rising air is coming to me now. May whatever words that dribble from your trembling lips be empowered by the Lord to FREE PEOPLE. Amen!